Here you can find by sermon date any handouts that were given to the congregation for a sermon aid.  They are listed with newest sermon on top.  
Clicking in the blank will allow you to type the answer.  If your answer is incorrect:
  •  It will wiggle and underline in red.  
  • A new small pop-up will appear above "wrong" answer.  
  • Clicking this "reveal answer" pop up will auto-fill the correct answer in the blank.  

You can email a PDF copy to any email by scrolling to the bottom and clicking "email."  
  • If you email a blank version, the document should contain the correct answers automatically filled in.
  • If you type in answers (right or wrong) and email it to yourself, the document should contain the answers you've typed in.

 Should you have any questions or problems, please reach out to us.  Email: Web Master  Subject: Handouts